Meet the productivity king

Meet the productivity king
Photo by Andreas Klassen / Unsplash

I discovered his Youtube channel a couple of months ago, and I just fell in love with it. This YouTuber was also a doctor and is still a podcaster, an online teacher, and a soon-to-be writer. Please meet the great Ali Abdaal!

Ali is passionate about learning and productivity. He has a couple of videos and an online course on studying with the technic he used to be top in Med school, which is pretty convincing! Ali also covers topics like his different sources of income and how he started in each. (The video below) He also got a couple of videos on books he reads and how he takes notes and organizes them.  

I think Ali has success because his videos are very efficient, there is no downtime, and everything he says is relevant and entertaining. He also is sincere, which makes us feel closer to him. In one video, he talks about his morning routine and is like: "Going on the toilet writing my dreams on my application Notion and choosing a good song to take my shower." That's some privacy information!

If you like to learn something about productivity, life in general, or an idea of a side hustle, I'm sure you will find something interesting to watch and learn. It was while watching one of Ali's videos that I decided to start this blog. So big thanks to my man Ali!