Can you develop a new habit in 30 days?

That is what many of the videos of Matt D'Avella are about. Matt is an independent filmmaker and Youtuber who creates content about minimalism, self-development, and sustainable habits.

The first reason I like Matt's content is its high-quality video. You can see through his videos that he is a professional filmmaker. It's smooth, sometimes has a little music, and he knows how to use the camera to make it look the best and keep the audience watching.

One of his fascinating topics is minimalism, as in the video below.

Almost everybody has too much stuff, and we should do a clean-up occasionally. Matt shows his point of view, how he is doing it, and how we can apply it to our life interestingly and funnily.

My favorite videos by far of Matt are his 30-day experiment about a subject.

He takes a subject: sugar, cold shower, walking 10 000 steps daily, quits his phone, and documents his whole adventure. He shows what he has tried, what has worked, what has failed, how it has developed new habits for him, and how his perspective changed during the 30 days.

We receive advice everywhere like: "Walk more, don't put your phone in your bedroom during the night or take cold showers," but we don't have a complete view of how it will affect us. Matt gives us a complete roadmap on how it affects him and how it could affect us so we can schedule it and know what may be coming for us.

Matt also has a filmmaker series on his Youtube Channel.

I have yet to watch all of this series, but if you're interested in filmmaking, it's worth your time. Matt has made two documentaries on Netflix. He says so on his website(, so you know he's a professional and will give valuable information.

In conclusion, I love Matt's videos. They are beautiful, relaxing, and full of exciting content. I hope you like them too!
